Almost 20 million Americans develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point during their lives. At Healing From the Roots in Golden, Colorado, experienced psychiatrist Jena Jamison, MD, and her team offer personalized treatment plans for individuals facing the ongoing challenges of PTSD. If you or a loved one experienced a traumatic life event that you need to process, contact the office by phone or schedule an appointment online today.

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What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that follows a shocking or life-threatening event. The event may be one you survive or witness, and PTSD makes you feel threatened even after the danger has passed.

PTSD can result from car crashes, natural disasters, injuries, bullying, losing a loved one, or any abuse. Women are more likely to develop PTSD than men.

How can I tell if I have PTSD?

PTSD includes avoidance, intrusion, mood, and thinking symptoms.

With avoidance symptoms, you may find it impossible to discuss the event or go out of your way not to encounter people or places that bring it to mind.

Intrusion symptoms may take the form of flashbacks or recurring nightmares.

Mood and thinking symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Timidity
  • Sleep disorders
  • Irritability or anger
  • Memory loss
  • Persistent guilt or shame
  • Hypervigilance and sensitivity to threats
  • Difficulty showing or receiving affection
  • Extreme emotional reactions

You may also find yourself dissociating or becoming emotionally numb. Your symptoms must persist for over a month to receive a PTSD diagnosis. Avoid alcohol or other addictive substances after a traumatic event, as PTSD can put you at a high risk for substance abuse.

What can I expect from PTSD treatment?

The Healing From The Roots team performs a thorough evaluation before personalizing your treatment plan. It may include:


Therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), somatic therapy, or psychodynamic therapy (PDT), can help you process your trauma. Healing From The Roots offers a safe, grounded space to begin healing.


To improve your mood and alleviate the stress of PTSD, your provider may recommend antidepressants like Prozac®, Zoloft®, Paxil®, or Effexor®.

If your PTSD is causing you acute anxiety, benzodiazepines like Xanax® and Valium® may be able to help. But because they are so addictive, they only get prescribed temporarily.


Ketamine injections, especially when paired with therapy and mindfulness practices, can be powerful as you process and grow beyond the traumatic event.

Lifestyle changes

The team treats you as a whole person and may recommend making small, healthy changes in your environment or routine to supplement your treatment plan. Even minor changes can give you an important sense of agency, which is valuable in combating PTSD.

To learn more about how the team can help with your PTSD, reach out to Healing From The Roots by phone or online today.