If you struggle to focus, complete tasks, or navigate social settings, you may be one of the over 8 million American adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). At Healing From The Roots in Golden, Colorado, experienced psychiatrist Jena Jamison, MD, helps patients 18 and up to manage their ADHD and pursue whole-person wellness. Contact the office by phone or online today to learn more.

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What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) impacts your brain’s ability to manage impulses, thoughts, and behaviors, which can create barriers as you learn new skills, make plans, or seek to understand other people.

For many adults, this has become a way of life, and they don’t realize solutions are available to make life easier — fewer than 20% of adults with ADHD are even aware it is impacting them. Of those, only a quarter have found effective treatment.

You may have ADHD if you experience:

  • Frequent distraction or daydreaming
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Fidgeting and restlessness
  • Impulsivity
  • Trouble focusing or remembering
  • Social difficulties
  • Stress that is hard to manage

ADHD can also come with medical issues, such as:

  • An increased risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Sleep disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Heart disease

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential. The Healing From The Roots team can perform the necessary evaluations you need to diagnose ADHD and manage your symptoms so you can thrive.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

First, the team performs a thorough evaluation. The Healing From The Roots team may also perform an ADHD screening to check your hearing, vision, and thyroid health and other tests to rule out conditions that might create symptoms like ADHD.

They also discuss your medical and family health histories and get a complete picture of your symptoms and mental health goals to create a plan tailored to your needs.

How is ADHD treated?

Your personalized treatment plan might include:


Therapy approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you understand and accept yourself while developing healthy behaviors to carry you forward. This therapy can benefit your confidence, organization, and relationships as your communication and stress levels improve.


With a skilled provider offering medication management, you can feel comfortable utilizing the full benefits of modern medicine.

Your provider may recommend a stimulant like Vyvanse®, Ritalin®, Adderall XR®, or Concerta® to improve your concentration or a non-stimulant like Qelbree® or Strattera®. The latter are less addictive and avoid common side effects of stimulants like loss of appetite or sleep.

Your ADHD may also benefit from antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).


If nutrient imbalances contribute to your ADHD issues, the team can recommend supplements to alleviate your symptoms.

To pursue treatment and support for your ADHD, call Healing From The Roots today or use the online schedule to book an appointment.